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Literal Translation And Free Translataion
h t use literal translatin and free translatin prper?
peple ften disuss literal translatin and free translatin. e lay stress n h t handle t different kinds f language. and hih ay f translatin is better t use t translatin a sentene. espeially, target language ust express hat sure language eas, distrtin is nt alled. literal translatin and free translatin are t ain frs f translatin. they are nt repulsive, ntrarily, they are pleentary. translatin literally,if pssible,r appeal t free translatin. literal translatin retains riginal skill. s it is get n fr riginal. hen literal translatin, enunter se bstades, peple ften use free translatin.
free translatin expresses general idea f the riginal, and an be aepted by readers. a gd translatin psitin ntains literal translatin and free translatin.

1. hat is the neptin f literal translatin and free translatin?
2. h t use literal translatin prperly?
2.1 translate literally,if pssible.
2.2 literal translatin≠rd-fr-rd translatin.
2.3 se sentenes shuld nt translate literally.
3. h t use free translatin prperly?
3.1 if it has se truble t understand a sentene in using literal translatin, use free translatin.
3.2 dn nt add persnal entin t the riginal rks.
3.3 free translatin skill needs extensive knledge and ulture f bth sure language and target language.
if use literal translatin and free translatin prper, yu ill suess in translating a psitin.
[key rds]
literal translatin/free translatin/sure language/targer

1. hat is the neptin f literal translatin and free translatin?
literal translatin and free translatin are t basi skills f translatin. literal translatin refers t translate a sentene riginally, keep the riginal essage fr, inluding nstrutin f sentene, eaning f the riginal rds, etaphr f the riginal and s n. translatin uld be fluent and easy t prehend by target language readers.

free translatin refers t, arding t the eaning f the riginal, ithut paying attentin t the details and translatin uld als be fluent and natural. free translatin need nt pay attentin t the fr f the riginal, inluding nstrutin f the riginal sentenes,eaning f the riginal rks, atapher f the riginal and s n . but free translatin des nt ean t delete r add ntent t the riginal and translatrs ust nsider the riginal arefully, kn its stress, translate it natually, express the eaning f the riginal. free translatin is a skill hih translatrs ust kn the ulture f bth sure language and target language, and ust have extensive knledge.
hen translating, shuld nt use literal translatin pletely r use free tra

nslatin pletely. arding t the passage hih yu are translating, yu shuld use literal translatin frequently and use free translatin hen neessary.
but hat kind f translatin is literal translatin? and hat kind f translatin is free translatin?
fr exaple:①
1) dn't lk the stable dr after the hurses has been stlen.
literal translatin: 不要等马被盗后,才去锁楖门.
free translatin: 不要贼走关门.


Literal Translation And Free Translataion

[thesis] h t use literal translatin and free translatin prper? [intrdutin] peple ften disuss literal translatin and free translatin. e lay stress n h t handle t different kinds f language. and hih ay f translatin is better t use t translati
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