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S W O T Analysis Part 2
after rld ar ii, the japanese eny as in ruins, and
its industries highly unpetitive. it as siply nt
pssible t pete head-n against the large estern
business rpratins. instead, the japanese anufaturers
hse t fus n aking prduts that estern anufaturers
ignred. thus, hile these estern giants ere strng in
aking the big dels f ars, refrigeratrs, applianes,
tryles, phtpiers, et., they ere eak in aking
the saller dels. in fat, in any ases, they ignred
aking the saller and heaper dels pletely.

 sensing the pprtunities, the japanese anufaturers
hse t fus n aking saller ranges f ars,
tryles, refrigeratrs, phtpiers, applianes, et.
here, it is iprtant t pint ut that the japanese
prduts ere nt nly heap but als inferir in the 1960s,
and even in the early 1970s. hever, as the petitin
as nt strng in the arket fr the saller range f
prduts, the japanese anufaturers ere even able t build
up their strengths ver tie.

 siilarly, the japanese anufaturers als ent after
arkets hih the large estern business rpratins ere
eak in, r pletely ignred. fr exaple, the aerian
anufaturers pletely ignred the suth-east asian arket
as ell as any ther asian arkets in the 1960s and 1970s.
instead, they hse t nentrate their strengths and
effrts largely at he, and in the anadian and eurpean
arkets. sensing the pprtunities, the japanese
anufaturers deided t penetrate these suth-east asian
and ther asian arkets ith their heap range f prduts
as highlighted in the previus paragraph.

 as there as hardly any serius petitin in the saller
prduts arket, japanese anufaturers ere given aple
tie t build up their strengths. they ere als able t
iprve their prdut quality substantially. japanese
prduts are n knn fr their superir quality that
rival, and in any ases, even exeed the best that the
estern anufaturers an ffer. nt surprisingly, japanese
prduts are n able t and high pries!

 besides plaing re ephasis n petitive analysis, it
is signifiant t nte that sun zi plaed it befre
understanding the eather and terrain. this is learly
illustrated in the first qutatin ited at the beginning f
this paper. in fat, in the send qutatin ited in this
paper, eather and terrain ere nt even entined!

 the fus as entirely n understanding the eney and
neself. n lser refletin, it is nt diffiult t
understand the lgi behind sun zi's ritings. in the ase
f ar, if the eney is far superir t ne's fres,
eather and terrain bee less iprtant. the sae lgi
applies t any ther situatins. fr exaple, if
singapre's n

atinal ser tea ere t take n the
brazilian natinal tea, it des nt atter here the ath
is played. regardless f the eather and field nditins,
the result uld be bvius t anyne. the sae is true if
singapre's natinal basketball tea ere t take n the
hiag bulls f the aerian natinal basketball
assiatin. siilarly, in business, it is extreely
diffiult fr a sall fir t take n a large rpratin if


S W O T Analysis Part 2

after rld ar ii, the japanese eny as in ruins, and its industries highly unpetitive. it as siply nt pssible t pete head-n against the large estern business rpratins. instead, the japanese anufaturers hse t fus n aking prduts that estern anu
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