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摘 要:
美国 现代 著名小说家海明威曾经说过:“人生本来就是为了被打败的。人能被毁灭,但是不能被打败。”正是这种人生态度赋予了他笔下的桑提亚哥——勇敢、自信、自尊,永不屈服的性格特征。笔者从此角度出发,探索了“压力下的风度”这一主题以及给人们带来的启示。

Heingay, a faus nvelist f Aeria, ne said" an is nt ade fr defeat. A an an be destryed but nt defeated. " Santiag is ended ith this ptiisti attitude tards life-urage ,nfidene ,dignity and never giving up. This essay als deals ith the prble f" grae under pressure" and its revelatin t peple.
Key rds: never giving up; nfidene; grae under pressure

I. The three layers f pressure
The suess f The ld an and the sea lies st in its perfet display-- the grae under pressure. hih is a very iprtant quality f Santiag. The quality is psed f t deents:pressure and grae. Pressure is the preise, nly under pressure an ne‘s graeful deeanr display.
At the beginning f the nvel,Santiag had gne Eighty··fur days ithut athing a fish and had be·· e the laughingstk f his sall village.This is an affrnt t a asterful fisheran,and it frs the first layer f pressure;As the stry begins,a yung by, anlin,stayed ith the ld an,but after the frtieth lukless day,the by,s father tld his sn t g in anther bat, leaving the skiff f hih the sail as pathed ith fur saks and furled like the flag f peranent defeat. hen the by left the ld an and fished ith anther,they aught three gd fishes in the first eek. The by s gd luk fred bvius ntrast ith the ld an g ill luk.If this happened t anther by, it as inidental, but it happened t the by h had gt nthing ith the ld an fr frty days and exatly hen he left the ld an fr ne eek.This ade ther fisheren believed that the ld an as really unluky enugh! This is the send layer f pressure; hen the ld an hked the biggest arlin never seen in the Gulf Strea,he as alne,ithut the benefit f de tehnlgy.He endured a lng and grueling struggle ith the arlin and felt lnely and helpless.This is the third layer f pressure.
II.Santiag grae under the three layers f pressure
1.Grae under the first layer f pressure
As the nvel begins, e find Santiag definitely and finally failed,hever,he kept self-psed and had nfidene in his dignity.S even having gt nthing in the first 84 days,he ntinued t g ut t fish.
Santiag% itent t sailing ut further than any fisheran had befre testified his nfidene t the depth.It als shed his nfidene t hange his bad luk,beause he learly kne hat he as brn fr. Yes,he as brn fr the nquering f the sea. Everything abut hi as ld exept his eyes and they ere the sae lr as the sea and ere heerful and undefeated. e all kn that eyes are the inds f ne 7s su1.It eans the ld an's heart r sul is innvinible.In rder t prtet his dignity,he finally suarized the faus tt“an is nt ade fr defeat.A an an be destryed but nt defeated”.
This is bviusly the delaratin t the diffiuhies and adversities.H spirited and valiant the pledge!It enurages huan t fight fr dignity.



摘 要: 美国 现代 著名小说家海明威曾经说过:“人生本来就是为了被打败的。人能被毁灭,但是不能被打败。”正是这种人生态度赋予了他笔下的桑提亚哥——勇敢、自信、自尊,永不屈服的性格特征。笔者从此角度出发,探索了“压力下的风度”这一主题以及给人们
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